BAV is back in town!

It’s confirmed that BAV is back in KK though he was supposed to be on a 6-month sabbatical. It is believed he has been back for at least 2 weeks, a very conspicuous timing as he got back when Christ Church & ASC hold their AGMs. These two churches have been BAV’s strongest critics. Christ Church’s AGM last Sunday saw key opponents to BAV voted out from the PCC, including George Lim the auditor who issued the management letter. A list of suggested candidates was distributed to the members; one just have to follow the instruction and pencil in the right names in the ballot. ASC members, you should watch out tomorrow to ensure such despicable acts are not repeated at ASC.

Does BAV has a hand in this? What about his right hand woman Stella Lo who is also back in KK? Now BAV and Stella Lo are reunited, it cannot be ruled out they are masterminding schemes at the background. Politicking and campaigning by the clergy reaches an unprecedented level at ASC. Can it be possible these priests and pastors acted in the own accord? Dean Chak had been away in Israel. So who directs them to politicize and campaign? Who is the real leader behind these schemes? Is it a coincidence that these schemes reach a crescendo when BAV and Stella Lo are both in town?


  1. Concerned

    Vote for the reformers, you get. A better church with check and Ballance in place. Status quo, we continue to kick the can down the road. At the current rate of squandering of church fund, how long can we sustain? Before long, donor fatigue will kick in. How much is enough? Enough is enough! I am sick of these men and women in white robe who call themselves the anointed ones, but do not walk their talk.

  2. So Sad

    Why did the members of CC follow blindly to the instructions? The members should have opened their eyes and now key opponents to AV voted out,all YES men and women in! Well Christ Church,you still can do your part like ASC members-don’t give anymore! AV is fighting back with the help of his men in the fore front! What is the Lolly Po doing back in KK? Since she is in town,call her up to ask her why Dean Chak is given an empty run down house! What happened to all the furniture?

  3. joshuakong823

    Can anyone confirm that ‘bribes’ are dished out?

    If that is true please take the money and vote for change in ASC.

    If ‘bribes’ are true, please expose the givers.

  4. Wong Yet On

    It is intriguing that every now and then someone points to 1 or 2 things the Roman Catholics do as laudable.
    That begs the fundamental question – can we really pick and choose only those bits we find attractive, without a full understanding how each bit fits in with the rest?
    The perspective is
    Perhaps there is a bit more to it than getting a group of people together, buy 2 lion heads, a drum, cymbals and a gong, have rehearsals, and lo-and-behold we have yet another lion dance troupe.
    Another analogy is traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Such a prescription contains a given number of herbs, each of which must be included. It is simply not possible to omit 1 or 2 herbs just because the shape or colour or taste is unattractive. It could also be fatal.
    It is certainly not a buffet meal, where you get to choose only what you like to eat
    After the last 25 years, the RC’s in Sabah have 3 Dioceses. We still have only 1. Why?
    Could it be that we are somehow missing the plot? Not well fed by the Liturgy of the Word contained in the Lectionery?
    How many parishes in ADOS follow the Lectionery?
    The Lectionery’s 4 Scripture Readings on a Sunday mutually reinforce each other, and provide the context. In Chinese ‘context’ is the ‘front’ and ‘back’ language – 前后文. It brings out the full meaning of those passages of Scripture.
    If ever a vivid picture is required, this is may be it:-
    On the one hand an enthronement was attended by 2,000.
    On the other hand an inauguration Eucharist was attended by more than 150,000 including 132 national delegations.
    Introspection in itself is not necessarily bad. What are its fruits?

  5. Joyce

    I am not sure if this is a planned strategy of AV and his henchmen/henchwomen but at Christ Church this year the voting and ballot ticket procedure looks odd. As usual, the voting members have to make sure their names are in the electoral roll. Then a ballot paper is given but this time with a number that corresponds to the name of the member who identified as a voter on the roll. In other words, it is not a secret ballot but all voting preferences can be traced back to the voter. Is this some sort of census taking to determine what percentage of the parish are anti-AV ? What is this voting procedure coming to ? I thought only God knows who we vote with our hearts.

  6. William Thien

    Their indiscriminate loyalties, considered as flagrant violation of our God’s Law, demonstrated to the spiritual leader and his agents have caused strife and broken relationship in the church. Their evil acts, if left unchecked, can polarize and paralyze our church.

    • thetruthasc

      William Thien: it has already polarized the church. With top leadership sinning at will, the church is losing ground and God is turning his face away from us. HT believes every lie that BAV told him. He projects his own rejection by the church 20 years ago to the current crisis and concluded that just as he was “cast aside” by troublemakers then, BAV is being prosecuted by troublemakers today. It’s not about issues, sins, right or wrong anymore. The very persons who are supposed to teach the word of God is abusing the authority given to them to teach. There’s a blatant superiority complex the men in robes know better and is holier than the laity. How much worse can things go? How much more shaking and sifting does God want to do?

  7. Fear God.

    Yes, Bishop Vun is in town. Mr and Mrs Vun just had a hairdos done in City Mall two day ago. They look happy and prepare to celebrate tomorrow ASC agm result with in his favor.
    MK list of candidates would be wipe out. Why ? Reference to last year AGM poll result shown that was ratio 2:1. To mobilize another 150 members is not a problem for BAV. Well done.
    Roman 12:19 . Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay say the Lord . 20″ if your enemy is hungry , feed him; if he is thirst, give him something to drink. In doing this ,you will heap burning coals on his head.21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
    We should living in PEACE with God. This is our part of our life and vengeance belong to God.

  8. Friends in Christ

    To Listen, you have missed out the most devilish Chinese pastor that go around the Chinese congregation to tell everyone with a list of candidates they must vote in and to vote out all the 7.30 am candidates. She is no other than ST. We never know she can stood down so low to do such a things to please her Boss BAV. She used to have a lot of respect from us before but now we want to vomit when we hear her name being mentioned. This is the kind of pastor BAV has trained. We want to invite everyone to come early and vote according to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and don’t trust anyone especially priests, pastors and Church workers who come around and tell you to vote so and so lest you commit yourselves to sin against God.

    • So Sad

      What is this SLo doing in ASC? Hasn’t she done enough harm to the church? Why should people listen to her advice which is evil and not Christian anyway! Aren’t these priests and pastors playing God to the sheep? They can even prejudge the nominated PCC people those who want to put things right in the church as trouble makers! What a terrible thing to do to campaign against member sheep who are upright and have done nothing wrong! So shocked to read from a blogger’s warning,the people who must be watched closely on election day are the people in white robes!!!! What is happening in our church? Now who are the ones who cause disunity,not willing to reconcile,still not telling the truth,and have no right to tell others not to vote for certain PCCs?

  9. joshuakong823

    All ballot papers should be destroyed on the results are accepted in front of all the members.

    I hope all the winners and losers would accept this as there will be winners and losers.

    Even if there is any thing to do with BAV, God knows best.

  10. ASC

    Yes. We need to surrender all things unto God but we also need to search our heart and ask oursellves…..Have we done our part in the church positively? Have we tried to do everything we can to help our church to change for a better way? Or are we just sit back and do nothing……Spend time with Jesus and ask holy spirit to guide each and everyone to vote the candidates who will uphold bibical principles which is so vital in this moments and our church need your vote NOW. Have you decided to do your part as a body of christ now? Search our heart and pray to our God and ask him to guide you and me to do the right thing .and each and everyone is equally important in the eye of God. Your vote counts.

  11. ASC

    Please BE CLEAR that we are not taking revenge, or condeming anyone in the church.

    BUT What we have to do now is to make sure those PPC members are the one who will UPHOLD GOD’S STANDARDS AND PRINCIPLES and will be able
    to play the positive and active roles in our church. Without our support and votes, they have less impact..

  12. Observer

    Don’t you all think God is trying to tell the genuine sheep something from yesterday’s results? Those in white robes were playing ‘dirty’?They forgot they are men of God! Why did they want to query Clarence for coming out to stand for the post of secretary and not HT as the bishop commissary?AV chose HT and nobody complained and even HOB approved without checking his background or did they and still approved? He had resigned and ‘disappeared’ from ASC 18 years ago and why is he here to take up the post for his dear friend for the time being? Seems to me the church has double standards. Many are disappointed that those who wanted transparency and accountability were all voted out through the help of AV’s cronies.!! This clearly reveals that the fight is still on. Folks,can you still wait until the end of AV’s sabbatical leave and see if he will come back or not? We all ask,where is God in our church? Think again,doesn’t God want us to end this once and for all for no amount of waiting is doing any good.It is going to be worse with AV around and the ‘armies’ of pastors that he had been ordaining and will continue to ordain when he comes back what is there to say then,if still indecisive what to do?

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