3 Laughable Resolutions

While winding up the Synod, Rev. Kenneth Thien tabled 3 resolutions. The move was controversial because the Diocesan constitution stipulated any resolutions must be published in the Synod agenda, at least 6 weeks before the Synod. This is to provide all the churches adequate time discuss, study and weigh the issues. I’m puzzled how our learned Chancellor missed that. Not only the Synod was unconstitutional, the 3 resolutions were laughable. Please read on…

1st Resolution
To denounce the blogs and to affirm resolution to church issues must be conducted through proper channels. After some squabble over its wording, it was passed with some objections. Really? Do a couple of blogs that have long been labelled as “all lies” and “malicious” dignify an official condemnation at Synod? He or she who has never read either blogs should cast the first vote. Not even our Prime Minister had the gall to tell us what to read or not to read.

Besides the resolution, there are also attempts behind the scene to stop this blog. It only tells us that collectively, we are damaging to someone’s seat of power, interests, agenda and sleeping patterns. Do you think this resolution has any power in stopping people from reading the blogs?

2nd Resolution
To affirm that Bishop Albert Vun is God’s appointed leader for the Diocese of Sabah and we support his leadership. This kicked up a huge storm. The little goodwill the Bishop gained by apologizing, crying and hugging went down the drain. Many delegates objected it, including James Chhoa. First, all clergy had sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop. Thus it is absurd Rev. Kenneth Thien raised this. Secondly, why should the clergy vote on this when they have already sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop? How do you expect the clergy to vote against the Bishop?

The Chancellor concurred it wasn’t appropriate Rev. Kenneth Thien proposed the resolution, so Thien stood down. However Chris Chiew from St. Patrick’s Church re-tabled the resolution. The house was quiet as nobody stood up to second it. Michael Tong, the new Standing Committee treasurer, seconded it. Then all hell broke loose.

Clearly the resolution was a vote of confidence to shore up support for Bishop Albert Vun as the verdict from the House of Bishops loomed large. Many delegates saw it right through and did not want to support it. Once again delegates fought to exclude the House of Clergy from participating in the vote as they had already sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop. Despite the debates, Chancellor Stephen Foo opined the clergy should also vote.

95: Yes
53: Abstained or No

Voters breakdown:

Clergy: 50
Lay delegates from rural churches: 38
Lay delegates from urban churches: 60

House of Clergy: 48 of 50 (voted for)
House of Laity: 47 of 98  (voted for)

Assuming 95% of the clergy and lay delegates from rural church supported it, the Bishop got 84 votes. That means only 11 lay delegates from the urban churches supported the resolution, while 49 opposed it. Without the clergy’s votes, it would have been a draw. The voting patterns reveals supports and opposition to the Bishop are clearly drawn along geographical lines. Either out of fear or blind support, the clergy is largely also behind the Bishop. Vast majority of the priests are under 40 years old. Their youth perhaps dissuade them from rocking the boat. This is unhealthy to have such schism in the Diocese.

What’s laughable was the language of the original resolution. Why would God need a vote to affirm his anointing on Bishop Albert Vun? Or perhaps it was the Bishop that needed it.

3rd Resolution
To affirm the Diocese of Sabah is committed to the Anglican Communion. This is an admission that Bishop Albert Vun did tried to pull the Diocese out of the Province two years ago, though the Bishop would tell a different story. The truth is prior to Synod 2010, Bishop Albert Vun met with the clergy prior to the 2010 Synod to gauge their support for such a move. He pulled back when some senior priests opposed it violently. If he could not get the support of the clergy, he could forget about convincing the laity. Thus it was never raised at the Synod. All the clergy who attended that “secret” meeting could vouch for this fact.

Very clearly, none of the 3 resolution addressed accountability, transparency, abuse of power, mismanagement of funds that caused this crisis. Many who thought the Bishop would follow up his apologies and tears with real reforms were devastated. True enough the crying and huggings were just a ploy to get through the Synod with minimal opposition.

So what are the resolutions for? I believe Bishop Albert Vun needed these resolutions to as proofs of support when he is summon to meet with the House of Bishop. We know the Advisory Committee has submitted their report to the House of Bishops, and the latter had deliberated. It’s believe Bishop Albert Vun will be summoned, if not already, to meet the House of Bishops.

“See, our Synod has condemned the blogs as lies, so please don’t believe the content. Secondly, the Synod says I am the Lord’s anointed leader, so you cannot sack me. Thirdly, hey I never wanted to pull out from the Province so don’t blame me.”

So can a leopard change its spots? Don’t worry about the leopard. There’s more than one way to skin a cat.

UPDATED September 2, 2:40pm

Many of you expressed exasperation and helplessness in the face of blatant abuse of power at the Synod. Some even derided Synod delegates for not standing up for the truth. I want to interject that some priests and many delegates fought bravely over the contentious resolutions. Not everyone who spoke up are mentioned here. We are not LOST. Bishop Albert Vun may have seemingly won some battles, but he will soon lose the war. The house of cards will crumble. Let us finish the job we started several months ago. I will keep writing until manipulation, lies, abuse and coverups are purged from the Diocese of Sabah. Keep praying relentlessly. Don’t give evil a chance to rest.


  1. Ken

    Hohoho……..That is truly laughable. These people dare to call themselves Bishop, chancellor, pastors, full-time staffs etc… Disgrace! And what a humiliation to our God-given wisdom. I heard many learned readers of this blog mentioning about MACC. Perhaps it’s time for this move. But then again, it seems that the blogmaster or Mr JK never mentioned about/ concurred this move. Is there anyone who could enlighten us on whether it’s viable to bring this to MACC? I just have a gut feeling that BAV even has the HOB turned to his favour, maybe not now, but in the very near future. Corrupt, can of worms, blind faith and trust…what is happening to our diocese?

    • Anonymous

      This route had been tried before. The people from there actually visited AV at his offcice but they were told “tiada di office, outstaion, sudah pindah office, outstation – tidak tahu bila balik, mahu tanya datin, requests to AV return calls to the officers concerned went to deaf ears…ALL LIES”. Can you imagine the diocesan office staff were instructed to tell lies! MV also told lies!

      AV went on overdrive and contacted his powerful politician friend who in turn activated his ‘sag-fag’ line. The guys at the operating level wanted to do their job but the ‘sag-fag’ cartel blocked all things and the thing became NFA. Why does this “holy man” who so boldly boasted so many times that he fear no man but God, must ask another man (albeit a powerful one) to protect him? Does he not trust God? He should have peace in his heart if he has not done anything unrighteous, especially on things regarding God’s money. It is very clear action speaks louder than words.

      All parishioners must pray for the powerful politician friend to be no more powerful in the coming GE. Once this is decided by God, the ‘sag-fag’ cartel will be broken and AV will be like everyone else before the law. Equal justice for all. No more special protection. The long arm of the law will take its course. May our Lord Holy Trinity God have mercy on him.

    • joshuakong823

      The problem here is that there are 101 suggestions from talkers.

      When come to action and positive stance in the open, most would chicken out.

      We need to meet to sort out the ‘crisis’ of confidence amongst ourselves.

      Don’t think what others can do for you, but think what you can do for yourself first..

      That would be the first step in the right direction, not me but someone else and who is that someone else?

  2. Confronting the Toxic Leader

    What?!!! This is Ludicrous & unbelievable !

    Following article about the development of blogs in church groups may interest/strike a chord:

    What happens when leadership trust is fractured?
    Why are so many Christians disillusioned because of church leaders?

    Some Christians give their church leaders far too much power and don’t realize the inherent dangers in doing so. They also give such leaders implicit trust. When unprincipled Christian church leaders take advantage of the characteristic trust found in their loyal followers, then these followers are in for a shock. Their trust in them will be shattered. So, a good question would be: Who do you give your trust to?

    Church Leadership

    There are multitudes of good pastors out there. These sincere servants of Jesus minister faithfully in the strength that Christ gives by the power of the Holy Spirit. They have genuine care for God’s people and seek to nurture and to protect them from false teachings and harm. In the task of working with people in any organization there will be differences of opinion as well as faults and offences made by nearly everyone. Even when efforts are made to try not to offend, they still happen since we live in a broken world. Healthy churches aim to work through conflicts.

    On the other hand, there are church leaders who do not appear to be made of the same cloth. Over time, scores of people find out the hard way that their innate understanding of an ideal for pastoral leadership has been toppled. Their experience of spiritual abuse in their church has wounded them deeply and their understanding of caring church leadership has been shattered.

    There are Christian clergy who reveal harmful leadership behaviors which amount to more than personal offenses, personality clashes, or differences of opinion. People in these types of groups do not recognize any irregularities or warning signals at first. The waters are calm and everything is flowing as it should. The appearance of the pastor and congregant relationship can be designated as: the Mr. Nice Guy syndrome.

    The leader takes on a persona of benevolence and care, but over time this image begins to slip. Fast forward to a number of leadership issues that turn out to be relationship disasters, the growing number of wounding reports by congregants, and the inevitable spiritual devastation among a number of people and then one can see that something is wrong with the Mr. Nice Guy picture.

    Problems in Eden

    For the person willing to dig a little deeper in order to understand what is going on in their church, they begin to grasp that spiritual abuse is in the church, in their church. These people are now hungry to read books on the topic of spiritual abuse. There are countless websites and blogs available in order to track what individuals are saying about the issue of spiritual abuse from their experience. There are unfortunate accounts of spiritual abuse happening in various church groups or well-known Christian organizations. These facts capture the attention of those seeking for answers and they soon discover that they are not alone.

    For these dedicated church members, their trust has now turned to dust. Their implicit desire to work alongside these esteemed spiritual leaders was their aim. Their trust has now been shattered. Now they are left to pick up the pieces of their lives as they reflect on their disheartening situation.

    Many of those who have been wounded by spiritual abuse find that it is important for them to disclose their story of leadership disillusionment in some way. Since the opportunity to share among their former church fellowship is now very unlikely, their attention turns to the internet where they can post about their distressing church experience. They have learned from the experience of others on the net that this is often their only way to go. They pick up the skills needed and then begin their own personal blog.

    Blogging about one’s story has a number of benefits:

    It is a way to expose injustice.
    Blogging is therapeutic.
    Others respond to their dilemma with emotional support.
    Through recounting their journey, they are able to help others.
    They recognize that they are not alone.
    Website and blog accounts are often shaped this way:

    The roots and history of their organization.
    The atmosphere was happy and hopeful in the beginning.
    Then there is what I call ‘the catalyst’. Something came to their attention that caused them to question the leadership OR there is an issue that comes up initiated by the leader. The leader’s harsh words and harmful behavior mystify these congregants. By this time, emotions run high, trust in the leadership is shattered, and the feelings of devastation take their place.
    The goal for their website is to expose the injustice and to make people aware how spiritual abuse played out in their situation. As internet bloggers, their aim is to clearly and honestly document the facts and to inform and warn others. They want to provide support for others who have been wounded unfairly. They become a voice for the voiceless and raise awareness about spiritual abuse in the local church.
    Resources are provided. Bloggers plainly affirm that spiritual abuse is a much broader issue in the church today than they had originally thought. They thought that this situation was solely their resident community problem, but they soon find that they are not alone with this dilemma.
    Often what happens next is that these church leaders, who have been singled out, get word that there is a blog or website out there taking pot shots at them and their group. Those still attending this group are quickly put on alert by these leaders–not to read these provocative websites for fear of being shunned or expulsed. The former members are branded as rebels with carnal thinking and are to be avoided–they are to be formally shunned.
    Those who attend this group are at a loss as to why these former members are now apparently ‘slandering’ their pastor and the church board. These members do not know much about the behind-the-scenes issues. Since there is a no talk rule in many groups then facts are unattainable. These congregants do not understand what has been the catalyst–so their natural assumption is that it must be the individual, the couple, or a small group who are the problem. They can’t imagine that the problem might be resident with the leadership.
    Truth, for them, seems to be difficult to discern. Who is right? Those who have not experienced spiritual abuse and the shattering of trust are often oblivious to what these former members are speaking out about.
    Those who have their blog up and running soon find that many others come out of the shadows and identify with what has been said. The harmful leadership behavior that they have identified is accurate and that it has been experienced by them as well.
    That this type of leadership behavior is identifiable by so many is both comforting and disturbing for these novice bloggers.

    The problem with spiritual abuse in the church and among church leaders is that it can be found among those who are bona fide Christians. These leaders can point to their conversion experience and talk the talk. Church leaders can preach, teach, and lead. In fact, they are usually not invited into a church to preach or to teach without verified seminary or Bible College credentials.

    People in church settings or parachurch groups are so often caught unawares regarding the insidious nature of spiritual abuse. It is like the old warming of the frog in the pot concept. No one is aware of the slow-heating factor, even though in hindsight there were clear indications that there were potential problems brewing. Questionable incidences are brushed aside in the beginning. Later, these incidences are seen for what they really were.

    No One is Perfect

    At first, when congregants begin to experience some negative behavior by their leader/s, they may make comments like: “Well, after all, no one is perfect.” “We’re all just human.” “After all, leaders have bad days too.” When these behaviors seem to escalate, then the writing is on the wall. You don’t want to see church folk so on edge regarding their spiritual leaders that they are totally paranoid and make improper judgment about situations. On the other hand, it is important for church folk to have a reasonable knowledge about unhealthy leadership behaviors so that these behaviors can be recognized earlier on, rather than later.

    When Exercising Discernment Makes You a Troublemaker

    Discernment should be a spiritual discipline of the Christian life. There are many indications in the Scriptures that certain leadership behaviors should be ‘watched out for’ and not just left to run unchecked. The Gospels record many accounts of Jesus challenging the wrongful methods of the chief priests and elders. Jesus gave the exhortation: “by their fruits you will recognize them.” Since the context is “Watch out for false prophets” checking this kind of fruit is not factored in when thinking about Christian groups.

    Since discernment should be an individual task, the reality is that no one should leave it for someone else to do for them. So, when people make an effort to examine the fruit in the lives of potentially abusive leaders, then they feel awkward. Furthermore, when interested people’s efforts are found out, they are branded as troublemakers! Leaders who manipulate and control the flock feel threatened and retaliate against anyone who raises any concerns about perceived deviant behavior.

    The difficulty is that most Christians are averse to engaging in any form of discernment among their leaders. No one wants to be seen as someone who is trying to rock the boat. Such a pro-active attitude is deemed inappropriate when it comes to assessing Christian leaders, that is, those who have been trained in the Bible, homiletics, counselling, and church administration.

    Congregants are reluctant to make a move in case they offend someone, especially the leader. The problem is not with a leader’s official credentials but in how they do ministry. How leaders speak and act in church business meetings, how clergy counsel someone in a private session, how leaders react to conflict, and especially how clergy treat the people of God under their care, are now concerns that rise to the surface.

    When someone challenges suspicious behaviors as being unjust, unkind, and harmful, then the fun begins. At the first signs of registered concerns, the church board rallies around the leader–to protect them from these unseemly onslaughts. The individual or this couple are now labeled as troublemakers. Little concern is manifested towards those who have been wounded by this leader. Everyone is on alert and there seems to be no hope of resolve.

    When one is confident in their own identity in Christ then there is more likelihood that they will take a risk and get on with the task of exposing any injustice. When Christians are unsure about their identity ‘in Christ’ then they are more susceptible to the intimidation of dubious leaders. People lack confidence in what their intuitive feelings are telling them. They often dismiss them in favor of a more submissive and accepting stance with their leadership.

    After inevitable relational disasters come to light, then congregants recognize that there was a huge gap in their grasp of how to deal with church conflict in a suitable way. So often, even if people had known how best to deal with situations, this may not have worked, simply because toxic churches are unpredictable. Since there are incidences of spiritual abuse in the group already, then there is little that can be ‘done right’ and attempts to do the right thing in a godly way are usually doomed to failure. As this realization begins to dawn, then there is a season of intense examination of their lack of understanding regarding the potential for abusive behavior that was developing in their midst.


    Finding others who have experienced the same type of emotional havoc and have recovered can offer insights and support to help people to process the feelings of distress. A number of Christians may require the help of professional counselors in order to work through their grief and loss after this devastating experience. The process of recovery takes people back through their naivety regarding church leaders and this can be a difficult season for people to work through. Coming through this season will heighten their spiritual and emotional sensitivities and make them a welcome resource for others. Their resolve is to inform and caution in every way so that others can be forewarned. They work at linking arms and networking with a host of people who recognize this need in the church. Their intentional effort continues to grow. Their aim is to: Raise the Awareness about Spiritual Abuse in the Local Church.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    © 2012 Barb Orlowski, D.Min.

    * * * * *

  3. KK

    Thanks for telling us all these,so the Synod’s meeting was all about AV.He said he would address to every allegations made by the members,where? What about the audited accounts? No discussions? 3 days just to decide how to give support to AV? I am so happy that apart from the clergies,many of the delegates did not fall to the crocodile tears! Yes,we are not defeated,there is hope. This meeting in a way did have some usefulness.It revealed who are AV’s VIP cronies and we members are all the time right and in this meeting,it confirmed it.

  4. F.T Lau

    KT, you are doing a great disservice to our Lord Jesus Christ & most Anglicans with the 1st. & 2nd. very laughable resolutions you tabled at the Synod.
    You are also a great disgrace to your late father in law who happens to be a very good friend of mine.
    To all the Clergies at Synod, shame on you & all of you have lost the moral & spiritual grounds to lead your
    respective parish.
    Are you condoning the massive mismanagement of God’s funds by Albert Vun Cheong Fui ? Were you all so blinded
    with his crocodile tears ?
    Wake up & walk the talk with transparent & accountable.

    F.T Lau

  5. joshuakong823

    It is still an illegal gathering of nincompoops for the whole world to see the world famous TPW involving crooks and gangsters and socalled misled legal counsels…

    Soon we will find out how the socalled “God’s anointed” rob God?

  6. Anonymous

    Very appreciated of your effort to provide information on what happened at SYNOD. It is strange that a resolution has to be tabled to denouce the blog and insistance of church issues to be conducted through proper channel. Many issues can be solved earlier if AV has communicated with the people. Treat your congregation as a family and not troublemaker. Kindly and humbly receive complaints and suggestions to overcome shortfalls of the DOS and ASC. If there are issues , AV and his clergy have to explain to the people to show his care. What is the job of the wardens. Aren’t one of their jobs is to bring issues from the congregation to the Dean/Bishop? Has AV opened his ears and listen to the wardens? Why not propose an EGM or a meeting so that AV can explain and answer all the issues in the blog?
    The 2nd resolution really shows that AV is insecure. Eventhough the clergy have sworn canonical obedience to the Bishop. AV still needs assurance and he does not trust his clergy fully. Why suddenly AV lost confidence as God appointed Bishop. I salute the 53 delegates for abstaining in the voting.
    AV has not repented yet. He is only in remorse and do not be fooled by his tears. Crying is a very effective tactic used by the Controlling spirit. So beware and cast it out !

  7. Mark

    Thank you for a good analysis of the resolution. We conclude that the Synod and the Resolutions are against the spirit of the Constitution. What can we do about it? I can think of two options. 1. Lodge an official complaint to the House of Bishops. 2. Challenge it in Court.
    The Bishop told the Church that he will answer all the questions at the Synod in one of his pastoral letter. Did he honour his pledge? His shedding of crocodile tears obviously is to soften the anticipated blow and to pacify the delegates. He knows that because we are Christians we will shower him with sympathy and forgiveness. Did he follow through in deeds that he is truly remorseful the rest of the meeting?
    Whatever the resolution decided by the Synod, it is irrelevant. His reputation in the eyes of the church and the public at large is totally destroyed. He has nowhere to hide his face. There is no respect left for him. He will not receive co-operation from the members in all matters. He will not be able to perform his duties because he has no spiritual authority left. His spiritual work will be received cynicism. Therefore,he cannot perform his duties as the Bishop of the Anglican Church effectively. He has no credibility left and his position as the Anglican Bishop of Sabah is no longer sustainable. If he loves the Church he must resign or he will end in disgrace.

  8. KK

    If a clergy has sworn canonical obedience to the bishop,can it not be changed when asked to vote in meetings and he does not agree with what the bishop is doing?

  9. anonymous

    A painful and sad day for everyone who feel strongly against the wrong-doings of Bishop. I cannot go to church this morning and to see the hypocricy of the bishop and the clergys. Today I need a break from all this farce.

    I work in a large corporate. I thought I have seen the worst of mankind; the politics, manipulation and greed but recent events unfolded in our church reveals that our Bishop and his people are one notch higher in this respect since they are beyond reproach and are above the law. At least in the commercial world, there are avenues to escalate such abuses and high-handedness but this seems elusive in the church.

    But to Bishop and your staunch supporters, dont gloat just yet. People like me will not leave ASC because we love the church too much to standby and watch you plunder and destroy the church. We will not give up our fight to ensure that justice is done. If you are human (but then i think you are deluded to think you are demi-god by now) surely you cannot be sleeping well
    although outwardly you are trying your level best to show that you are immune and unaffected by all these problems.

    But for today I need a rest .

  10. Ejen Perisik

    First of all the HOB shd be aware the votes in this way count next to nothing. My priest probably attended and probably voted FOR BAV but he DOES NOT speak for me. I have my own voice and mind… thank you very much. My rice bowl fortunately does not depend on BAV. So I hope the HOB will not be swayed by the so called support BAV seems to have.

    Secondly, KT, all I have to say is this- I guess I expected too much from you. You have proved yourself to be a spineless pawn to be moved here and there. I once hold you in such high regard.

    Thirdly, PLEASEEEEE denounced the blog????? It is as good as denouncing Facebook. I think BAV has forgotten the old saying of sticks and stones don’t break my bones but your words does not. Clearly our words do sting because it is based on FACTS and TRUTH.

    Fourthly a big THANK U to Mr. Blogmaster. I like the rest of us really appreciate your efforts and your foresight.

    Finally, we shd not lose focus. We must not abandon ship just yet. Even in the darkest moments, God has demonstrated he can work miracles. Let us sincerely in our hearts pray that His will be done.

  11. Simon Templar

    So it is back to square one. The bishop has won the day. Let’s see what is the result of the HoB investigation. I thought it should have been out on 31 August. No merdeka yet for Anglicans?

  12. joshuakong823

    First, the Synod 2012 is unconstitutional for lack of notice (3 months) and Agenda (6 weeks);

    2nd -The Chairman under the Injunction of the Court Order is illegal. Check this with the constitution of the ADOS.

    3rd – The delegates are not properly elected according to the Constitution especially the ASC delegate was appointed only days before the Synod. The church must publish a list of the delegates with their IC number.

    4th – The motions were not properly approved by the members as the standing committee lacks credibility. Why scared of the members as God own the ADOS and the church?.

    5th – The Proposer and seconder of any motion should not be changed from the floor. What do they think of the Church with such gangsters.

    6th – Was the socalled “chairman” there at the time the motion was discussed? If so, it is bias and illegal too as the motion 2 affect AVCF. Where got any good governance when he wrote about his affidavit as “the Truth”? He was there to witness those who voted. Was the ballot held in secret and not by show of hands?

    7th – For such an important motion done second time, two third must be needed hence the Bishop lost it morally and legally. Why is he still there?

    8th – Why the Diocesan Chancellor voiceless when ‘nincompops’ do their dirty rounds?

    9th – Were any other motions shelved at the last minute?

    10th – Were Crocodiles tears allowed at Synod? Such persons including those swayed emotionally should have their heads checked, and the church can pay for those fees.

    SAFE is the answer…

  13. anon

    Actually why are people like Archbishop Yong and Reverend Moses Chin keeping so quiet. Are they condoning all these or they dont want to rock the boat? The parisioners feel helpless and seems like poor James has to shoulder the burden as our lone de-facto voice…..At least the only visible one…

  14. Peter

    All things = system, procedure, guidelines,notice time frame, delegates qualification, etc have totally gone out of order, and the Synod meeting is invalid constitionally.. EGM to be called to challenge and invalidate what was done at the 3 days Synod meeting. Or, Are we just going to tag along as if nothing happened?

    • -

      I feel that BAV must have cast a spell on all the attendees with HIS crocodile tears, otherwise where in the world have we ever heard of such an otherwise cucial meeting among different minds from different quarters in total agreement with the unscrupulous n non-constitutional decisions made re the governing of the ADOS for the next two years.

  15. Bellsuee

    Is indeed sad to read of bav non repentance and doing funny things to protect himself from all his wrong doings. Worst of all there are his cronies to back him up. What has become of our anglican church? We are a laughing stock to the eyes of other denominations And non Christians. God is crying to see that this so called ” self proclaimed God’s servant” abusing his authority and power. He fears no one , not even God. I pray God will anoint those like Joshua kong and the members who are bringing justice and revamp in Asc . This bav is getting out of hand and he must not to be let go easily by his crocodile tears.

  16. Christian Labuan

    Christian Labuan
    The blog is of very relevant, in today moden IT, its the most important source with just click, anyone can access and for those having hidden agenda can be exposed so that ordinary God’s peoples should be aware of the mismanagement, misappropriate and misbehavior of Bishop/Priest/Pastor in the DOS, thus let the light shine in us not keep in the dark all the time, otherwise who knows what the hell this hypocrite will do next? Even the devil can disguise as angel!
    Similar to the sexual abuse by priest which was reported in the media world wide after many year of silent!
    So we don’t care with the resolution, its not the issue of lies or accusation, from the evidence of the auditor report presented in the synod, its unbelievable that is happening in the DOS, the issues are simply stealing & cheating of DOS wealth by BAV. He is not fit to call and hold the office of Bishop Of Sabah. Bikin malu orang kita ni.

  17. AA

    Why would BAV asked for political protection from the MACC unless he has a great deal to hide?

    Some say money is not the only issue here.
    Is it not BAV’s love of money the root of all evil here?

    • Kenneth Chia

      We should CUT OFF all the Money supplies to all Anglican churches in the DOS. ! Temporary stop all pledge , Tithes & Offering . The more we give , the more BAV & His Cronies will take from the church ‘s Coffer. When an Organisation have plenty of cash , Misuse & Theft of Funds prone to occur , just like the case of City Harvest Church in Singapore. so STOP giving now !

      A Relative of Mine who is a PCC Member of parish in the DOS , told me that He/she accidentally stumble upon an incident that the Priest in charge/ Rector ” Pocket ” about RM 2500 from the reimbursement for goods & Services performed by the several members. The Priest trying very hard to patch up the Amount. This is maybe just the tip of the iceberg , perhaps many Priest/ pastor also do this. During the PCC meeting , Detail account will never presented. The Rector just read out the Balance of the account, some PCC member just jot down the amount. The Treasurer got no say !

  18. Anglican brother @ Singapore

    My reflection on this Synod Meeting:

    Jer 17:5-11 (Amplifed version)
    (5) Thus says the Lord: Cursed [with great evil] is the strong man who trusts in and relies on frail man, making weak [human] flesh his arm, and whose mind and heart turn aside from the Lord.
    (6) For he shall be like a shrub or a person naked and destitute in the desert; and he shall not see any good come, but shall dwell in the parched places in the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.
    (7) [Most] blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.
    (8) For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters that spreads out its roots by the river; and it shall not see and fear when heat comes; but its leaf shall be green. It shall not be anxious and full of care in the year of drought, nor shall it cease yielding fruit.
    (9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it [perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind]? [Matt. 13:15-17; Mark 7:21-23; Eph. 4:20-24.]
    (10) I the Lord search the mind, I try the heart, even to give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.
    (11) Like the partridge that gathers a brood which she did not hatch and sits on eggs which she has not laid, so is he who gets riches by unjust means and not by right. He will leave them, or they will leave him, in the midst of his days, and at his end he will be a fool.

    In short, those Bishop lackeys and his mah-cai are trusting in a man with his man-made system are putting themselves under a curse. Take note that the LORD is not cursing them, but it’s the devil putting his curse on them to do his bidding. Jesus will surely wrap up this crisis by raising Joshuas/Nehemiahs/Davids of today to take over the Anglican leadership for His glory. Amen.

  19. Confronting the Toxic Leader

    On further analysis, though these 2 resolutions appear ridiculous, I agree with Blogmaster that they are for protecting BAV. Dont forget an external lawyer has gotten into the picture and this looks like a tactical move for present & future cases. Just stay on the alert. From the info gleaned from yr blog, he seems to be resorting to all the tricks of the secular world & more……while admonishing his sheep to live out their faith based on Biblical principles – thus, an upper hand is gained while we remain divided over whether to sit on the fence or get off! As you have correctly said, not even the Govt of the day has the gall to tell the voters not to read blogs!

  20. chia

    To all the priests and leaders who spoke out or have shown contempt during the last Synod meeting:
    From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for your courage and determination shown dispite the strong opposition and condenmation from the bishop. I believe your heart is more at pain than many of us because you have sacrificed even your life to the Lord!
    But I want to specifically pray for you that, the Lord’s peace and comfort will be upon you and your family, especially during this period of time. Don’t lose heart. Now it is only the beginning of the war. By your example, you have won our trust and faith in your leadership. We will continue to fight with you and if there is a need for all of us to rise up with you, we will do that.
    May the Lord remembers your hard work!

  21. steven

    This bishop is so powerful that he has the ability to cause widespread divisions amongst friends and even between spouses and sibilings to a scale that has never been seen in the history of ASC.

    I know of people who no longer want to associate with those who are deemed close to the bishop’s camp and have grown exasperated with those who want to be remain neutral. I for one readily admit that I have leaned towards that direction. I know that is wrong but that is being human and I dont profess to be a saint. Worst, I get frustrated with my poor wife who although does not support BAV and his antics but yet choose to be ignorant and ampathetic towards his misdeeds and that to me tis inexcusable. So these days in our household, much of the disagreements and arguments revolve around BAV and the church. How silly could that be but unfortunately thst is real..and god must be shedding tears for us.

    People who support BAV on the otherhand are now highly suspicious of those that are not in the inner circles of BAV. They basically do not know who to trust anyone and are wary that what they say may incrimate and come back to hound them later so I notice that many of them are keeping to themselves and their closest allies. Do we blame them?

    I am not sure how the people of ASC can ever reconcile with one another. One party will have to leave, the trust level is so low and the hurt level is too deep and even if all is forgiven one day it will not be easily forgotten. Only God knows..And that is all because of one man.

  22. Labuan COHS Member

    I went to church this morning and I am surprised and saddened by the introduction before the sermon, Pastor Sim said this is the “BEST” synod meeting she has attended since BAV’s 6years’ reign. I just wonder either her english is too terrible to use the word “BEST” or she has failed her moral test ! May I suggest all clergies to have an Urgent Intensive Course in STS for some basic Moral lessons so that your conscience is not so dumb & numb & destroy the future of the church!

    • Anonymous

      To Labuan COHS member,

      I am not surprised at Ps Sim’s remark, because of the FANTASTIC, DRAMATIC CRYING ACT which must have touched a lady’s heart, like in a movie. It must have made her cry . I might cry too if present! What a good action drama, I wish to see more. Waaaaahhhhhhhh………..

    • Christian Labuan

      To Labuan COHS member,
      Attended today Sunday service, sermon topic “Overcome the spirit of Cain” by Ps Sim, this is the BEST resemble the terrible situation of DOS is in now which BAV is the producer/editor & director like in the movie. As for her english with the DOS is short of fund to sent her for STS training due to the scandal, she can just watch the astro series “Oh My English”

  23. anonymous


    Kita harus belajar dari sejarah Raja Saul; dia menjadi sombong dan tinggi hati serta bertindak kejam mahu bunuh Daud. Bila saja dia jumpa Daud, dia menangis tanda bertobat dan memeluk dia tetapi kemudiannya secara diam diam dia menghantar askar untuk membunuh Daud.
    Dia melakukan perkara yang sama beberapa kali…

    Kemudian dengan pakai cara yang paling licik, Raja Saul berjaya meraih simpati dari majoriti rakyat dan dia menjadi “Hero” …pemimpin teragung kepada rakyat. Dia fikir dengan cara ini dia boleh rasuah lembutkan hati Tuhan dan kembali berpihak kepada dia. Namun dia gagal….Tuhan tetap menarik RoH KudusNya dari Raja Saul meksipun Raja Saul masih hidup dan masih menjadi RAJA kepada Israel.
    Hal Ini juga berlaku kepada kita hari ini jika terus menerus berbuat dosa.!!!

    Tetapi kejayaannya meraih sokongan dari majoriti rakyat Yahudi tidak boleh dipakai untuk merasuah Tuhan…..agar Tuhan menarik balik hukumanNya pada Raja Saul.

    Apakah hukuman Tuhan pada Raja Saul? Dia dihukum kerana dia menjadi sombong…bertindak kejam….meninggikan diri sendiri….menipu dengan cara licik…dan gagal menunaikan rencana Tuhan dalam hidupnya.

    Akhirnya, Tuhan telah menarik balik RohNya dari Raja Saul. Tuhan telah mempersiapkan Daud untuk menjadi Raja Israel yang baru menggantikan Raja Saul.

    Selagi bav tidak sungguh sungguh bertobat maka selagi itulah hubungan nya dengan Tuhan Yahweh tidak akan pulih. Tiga resolusi yang mendapat sokongan besar di Synode baru baru ini…tidak boleh mengubah hukuman TUHAN pada bav. …keluarganya…dan kroni kroninya…TUHAN tahu bahwa tiga resolusi itu berjaya di luluskan akibat kelicikan….pandai berlakun…..pura pura menangis….macam Raja Saul….pada hal ada motif jahat yang lain. Buktinya…semasa Synode DOS atau selepas SYNODE…apa sudah jadi dengan pengakuan pertobatannya sewaktu dalam Synode…..adakah tindakan susulan yang dilakukannya selepas Synode….adakah bav cuba hubungi para bekas padri untuk mohon maaf…. ???????????? adakah usaha bertemu buat perdamaian dengan enam orang yang berkorban membawa masalah kedalam pengetahuan ARCHBISHOP dan HOUSE OF THE BISHOPS OF APSEA.

    Walau pun kononnya, Dr James Chhoa…tarik diri dalam pendakwaannya terhadap bav tetapi ianya tidak BERKUASA memadamkan api kemarahan dan hukuman dari TUHAN YAHWEH DALAM NAMA YESUS KRISTUS terhadap bav dan kroni kroninya.

    SEKARANG kamu kata dengan sokongan Synode…bahwa kamu semua bersependapat bahwa apa yang tertulis dalam blog adalah bohong dan palsu serta tidak boleh dipercayai. Nah. …Kamu sanggup bersumpahkah…!!!!!!!

    Betul kah… Hei….kamu boleh ubah setiap minit mesyuarat dan mengubah akaun Diosis agar berpihak kepada kamu….tetapi berani kah kamu bersumpah dalam nama TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS bahwa kamu rela dihukum masuk neraka…jika ada kebenaran terhadap sebahagian daripada dakwaan dakwaan terhadap bav mengenai salah tingkah laku….salah guna kewangan dan sebagainya seperti apa yang tertulis dalam blog – blog tersebut??????

    Kalau kamu mahu…aku nak mencabar kamu. …..mari kita buat upacara bersumpah….Walau pun hal ini di larang oleh Tuhan tetapi kita tiada pilihan sebab kamu masih tidak nampak apa yang benar dan apa yang tidak benar. Kamu kata kerana tiada bukti2 maka kamu kata bav suci!!!! Kenapa kamu percaya wujudnya TUHAN sedangkan kamu gagal membuktikan secara sains kewujudanNya????

    Tidak peduli kau padri kah….bishop kah….para pembantu bishop kah…..kita sama taraf saja di mata TUHAN. “YANG SALAH TETAP SALAH”.
    Jangan buat alasan yang kamu ini tiada pilihan….diugut….diancam…jadi kamu terpaksa menjadi “Pak Turut”….saja!!!

    Ini hal bikin malu. ..suku suku bumiputra…bodoh bodoh betul….senang jadi Pak Turut…kalau padri suruh kamu makan tahi….kamu pun makan tahi…. kalau di suruh minum kencing anjing…mungkin pigi minum saja.

    Benarlah ada orang cakap. …orang kita. …Dusun…Sungei…Kadazan…dan sebagainya. …senang2 boleh di susun…senang2 diperbodohkan. Cuba tengok…senang senang saja orang lain curi tanah kita…..bawa lari anak gadis orang kita……..kita diam diam saja….macam bodoh bodohan. Padri2 orang asli Sabah (Anglican)….lagi bodoh bodohan…….bila tiba kepada hal memperjuangkan hak2 kita memulihkan Diosis Sabah.

    Kalau kamu marah. …marah lah. Kalau kamu sudah berpihak kepada Tuhan.. syukurlah!!!. Saya hormati kamu!

    Saya lagi bangga mendengar byk orang Cina di bandar2 ( Anglican) yang berjuang untuk mengembalikan maruah Anglican di mata TUHAN..sebab….mereka telah melihat banyak kesilapan2 yang telah dilakukan oleh bav. …yang sudah melebihi batasan…..dan perlu diperbetulkan dengan segera. Kalau gagal bertobat maka betapa sedihnya jika Tuhan sendiri turun menghukum Diosis Sabah.

    Saya percaya pada Tuhan yang hidup dan MAHA SUCI…..Yahweh yang kudus; Dia TIDAK akan makan rasuah ; kalau Dia pun makan rasuah….lebih baik kita selesaikan masalah ini dengan cara KAFIR…..minta pertolongan dari Dewa Kinoringan alias Syaitan….

    Tetapi “palis palis” (TOLAK BALA ) kata orang kampung…..sebab untuk SAAT SAAT setakat ini …..IMAN KITA masih pada TUHAN YESUS KRISTUS!!!!!

  24. Mark

    Yes, BAV will not resign because he loves himself more than the church. He had engineered the 3 resolutions to make himself look good before the eyes of the House of Bishops. He needs it badly, but can he fool the House of Bishops? They have a mountain of evidences against him now after the PAC submitted their report. Be patient, I believe he will be facing the music soon, if he had not already done so. Many years ago I saw a pick pocket picking another man’s pocket. When he realised that other people are watching he drop it on the ground and pretended to pick it up and return it to the owner. What had happened at the Synod by the passing of the third resolution remind me of this incident. He tried to take the Diocese out of the Province but realising that it is a liability now, he quickly engineered the resolution to affirm that it will never happen. What a cunning man. Did the leopard change its spot? Not a bit. He is still the same leopard.
    The first resolution to denounce the blogs is a violation of human rights and freedom of speech and it is against the Federal Constitution. The Synod is clearly unconstitutional and we must not let him get away with it. Let us not leave any stone unturned to see that it is pronounced Ultra Vires the Constitution. We will explore every means, pay any price, face any foe (ecclesiastical and civil), to challenge it to protect the church from gross manipulation. Let it not be a precedent, otherwise he will use the same tactic again; that is if he can still keep his position.

    • joshuakong823

      Quote: “We will explore every means, pay any price, face any foe (ecclesiastical and civil), to challenge it to protect the church from gross manipulation.”
      Join me in the last lap of the civil action as the second plaintiff..

    • JL

      The 2nd resolution, tabled at SYNOD, to show support to AV is an act arose from PRIDE and a SELF-GLORIFYING spirit. It reveals those who have a lack of faith. It indicated a reliance on man rather than on God.
      I wonder who actually initiated this.

      There is an event described in Scripture where king David ordered a census of the Israelite people. Joab, the captain of the host, warned David not to do it but he refused to listen. God was very much disapproved of this census and subsequently punished them harshly, killing a great number of the Israelite citizens in the process. (2 Samuel Chapter 24).

      AV and his “close people” surrounding him have fallen to the temptations of Satan and carried out the resolution. Where is your spiritual discernment ? The root of it, is PRIDE !!! and has caused spiritual blindness. Beware of the consequences! May the Lord has mercy upon us !

    • Better day

      Mark, I like yr parable of the Pick Pocket. I think it’s still an insult & underestimation of our Unhonourable One. You know why? The pick pocket after realizing he was watched , he quickly put it to his friend’s pocket and transfer the crime to his friend.
      I hope you don’t mind my alteration to suit his cunny & treacherous character .

  25. KK

    It seems that AV will do anything to stay in power.If he did not think of taking Sabah Anglican Diocese out of the Anglican Communion why did he affirm that it would stay within the Anglican Communion? What is the point of hanging on to dear life as more and more churches and parishioners came out to voice against him.Look at their blog set up by them,nobody wants to write in?No doubt many questions will be asked if they write in, but will not get the truths as answers so why bother?
    If he truely loves God and not himself,he would resign now and let us get on with our lives and he gets on with his.Whatever he does is illegal and not according to constitution and law,how can we have a lawless bishop? Leadership by example????? I am
    glad to hear from blogmaster that some priests did speak up, I hope they were from the young ones who are not brain washed by AV.

    Now his name is a household name.Even in formal occasions when 2 or 3 are sitting together there in the midst of them is the conversation about the corrupt AV.Where is he going to hide his face or he does not care? Worse still his crocodile tears are now the center of topic!!


    I have meet one padre from Sabah in year of 2005-2006, he told me that he has a bad dream. Then I asked him whether he could relate me his dream…..Firstly….He was relucant to inform me….but finally…he told me his dream.

    He said one night after much prayers and asked God’s guidance of his future ministry, suddenly he fallen to deep sleep…..and he dream: He said that in his dream he has meet Archbishop Datuk Yong Ping Chung, bishop Yong Chen Fah and Bishop Moon Hing… But he feel so sad because he could not find where bishop Av is.

    Then he asked Archbishop Datuk Yong Ping Chung…”where bav is”. He answered him….(by pointing his finger at the corner of the house) ” that is bav. ..he is already dead! He told me…that he don’t believe what he heard!!! But suddenly, he come to surprise when he saw bav (wearing bishop’s shirt – pink colour) laying in the coffin…his both eyes…closed with no sign of life.

    He told me that he felt shock and wake up abruptly in the middle of the night.! He could not forget this dream! He told me…whether it is a dream only or vision from God!!!!

    Don’t hurt feeling….it was a just dream by a senior clergy of DOS. …six years ago which I understand until now we don’t know the meaning of the dream.

    After all. ..it was only just a dream! Hopefully…it was not a vision from God (YHWH).

  27. jcsl

    What is Canonical Obedience? I understand it to that the priests swear that they will abide by the rules and regulations of the Holy Orders and not to be obedient to the Bishop in this case BAV.
    In Resolution 2 the priests must vote according to their own conscience and not as to be obedient to BAV.
    So what will happen if BAV ask you to sign a blank form?
    Do you just simply sign the blank form or what?
    I will say please use the small OTAK that you have and do so accordingly.

  28. joshuakong823

    Please show us the hard copies of the Motions considered ILLEGAL – not in the Agenda.

    Now posted in the official sites-
    In the premises, we propose the following motion to this current Synod :

    1.“That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, strongly and totally denounce all malicious postings over social medias in relation to the life of the Sabah Anglican Diocese, her leaders and members. We call upon all members of the Anglican Diocese of Sabah to discuss the affairs, issues or disputes through the propel channels available within the framework of the Church.”

    In the premises, we propose the following motion to this Synod:

    2. “That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby affirm that the Right Rev. Datuk Albert Vun Cheong Fui is the spiritual authority appointed by the will of God through the House of Bishops having episcopal oversight over the Anglican Diocese of Sabah and we express our full confidence in his leadership.”

    In the premises, the following motion is proposed to this Synod:

    3 “That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby reaffirm our commitment to the life, ministry and mission of the Anglican Communion in its orthodox expression of the Christian faith.”

    AVCF show us the hard copy.

  29. joshuakong823

    Quote – the third illegal motion is still meaningless

    In the premises, the following motion is proposed to this Synod:

    “That we, the Diocesan Synod of the Sabah Anglican Church, hereby reaffirm our commitment to the life, ministry and mission of the Anglican Communion in its orthodox expression of the Christian faith.”

    What does it tell us?

    It does not refer to the Anglican Province of Church in South East Asia but the Anglican Communion.

    Be careful, ADOS can still pullout from APSEA as a desperate move for ill gotten gains for AVCF himself.

    Best to remove him as Bishop now.

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