Bishop Albert Vun’s Inner Thoughts & Circle

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The following is a series of leaked emails that will shed more light into Bishop Albert Vun’s inner circle and thoughts. These emails were written November 10, 2012 after the 10 delegates met with the Provincial House of Bishops and presented them with over 1,200 signatures calling for the resignation of Bishop Albert Vun.




Who are the inner circles? John Yeo, Melter Tais, Stella Lo, Chris Chiew, Kenneth Thien, Stephen Foo, Flora Chong are the recipients of these emails. Interestingly Philip Lo was not included in the discussions. John Yeo helms the second largest Anglican church in Sabah, and Melter ensures the support from the BM congregations. Chris Chiew heads the Diocesan Development Board, a new entity set up following the call by Archbishop Bolly for the separation of property acquisition from the office of Bishop. Chiew also oversaw the construction of the controversial Kokol Prayer Summit. How independent the Development Board is remains to be seen. Kenneth Thien, the former Diocesan Chancellor, spearheaded the initiative to sponsor new dioceses in Sabah; many believe now that BAV is back, he will resurrect his plan to form his own Province and kingdom, out of the touch of the Province of South East Asia. Stella Lo and Flora Chong are BAV’s trusted lieutenants since his days in Tawau.

It is highly doubtful anyone within this inner circle is capable of seeing the issues without prejudice or have the audacity to tell BAV, “You have sinned. You must repent.”

These emails show how BAV thinks and operates:

1. Divide & Rule

“The BM and Chinese congregations support me. Complaints come only from a SINGLE congregation (All Saints Cathedral, 7:30am English service). They have always been ‘troublemakers’.” Notice BAV never discussed the veracity of the allegations or defend himself on the specific issues. It was about how much support he has.

How many people supported Jesus when Pontius Pilate offered to free either Barabbas or Jesus? What about when David faced Goliath? Or Daniel’s friends in the furnace of Nebuchadnezzar? Yet when God stands with anyone, that becomes a MAJORITY. Why did BAV use politics and numbers as a sign of strength instead of his integrity, calling or righteousness? Can it be he had little of them left?

2. Fear Man, not God

He fears people, especially influential people. If certain people are amongst the 10 delegates then he feared the HOB would force him to resign. What is the logic? That influential people, not facts nor truth determines BAV’s fate? That is clearly how he thinks. If he had done no wrong, why does he fear being forced to resign?

At the eleventh hour, what did BAV do? Mount a valiant defense that he is innocent? Present evidences to dispel the allegations? No! He asked for letters of support from the two assistant Bishops and the people.

If the HOB asked BAV why he should stay on as the Bishop of Sabah, BAV’s answer would be, “I have the support of the people.” Not because the allegations was false, not because he has evidence to prove his innocence, not because God has called him to stay on.

3. Where is God?

Like his boss, Stella Lo also plotted her boss’ survival along political line.s Let’s rally support from the clergy. Let’s find out how many people support the Bishop. In all three emails, where was God? Was He part of the discussion or equation? Did anyone in the emails consider what God wanted? What was God’s wishes?

So my brothers and sisters, do not be alarmed when we see the charade…the homecoming party, feet washing ceremony, the blatant disregard for serious issues. In the Anglican Diocese of Sabah, it is not right or wrong, sin or righteousness but political support that truly matters.

In the coming days, this blog will publish more evidence of corruption committed by BAV. Everyone should be reminded what the Bishop of Sabah is capable of.


  1. Joshua Y. C. Kong

    AVCF and his gang are the worst TROUBLEMAKERS in ADOS and beyond.

    See the yeast of Avcf as contagious in the few emails…reaching SEA and beyond.

    So every faithful Anglicans must come out and act fast to stop the yeast worsening amongst the women folks…

  2. Sad

    “Please pray and seek the Lord with me” AV wrote,he still thinks he has done no wrong,the 10+5 are the trouble makers.They are the devils trying to kick him out,no wonder they keep praying against the dark forces in the church.It is not them but the 7.30am people who stand in his way!Is he so sure that the Chinese congregation is all for him?

  3. Bonnie

    Oh dear, who exactly is Albert’s wife? Mary or Stella? The urgency and tone of concern in Stella’s email is more than a diocese children coordinator ….. Wonder what is Philip thinking on his fake priesthood? A cover up of a state of ‘ affairs’? It seems this crisis is unfolding more shameful details of the pretenders…… Looking forward to more revelations.

  4. Friend of Troublemakers

    A few things to ponder and note carefully:
    1. God is just a rubber stamp, an expediency or an almost after thought in these emails. Its like this is our plan or this is how we gonna do things, this is our scheme, get support, gauge support, and then God please bless our “scheming”.
    2. I echo what the blogmaster observe, there is absolutely NO ATTEMPT to COUNTER all the accusations, the ONLY counter is SUPPORT! The SAD thing is that there are so many priests, pastors, leaders and members of the church who gave their SUPPORT without even knowing what are the issues.
    3. Have anyone ask the question, WHAT benefit does the “troublemaker” get? WHY spend money, time, energy and reputation to lodge complaint against BAV? Don’t you think they have better things to do? They can go to the church next door, spend time holidaying, join an NGO of their choice. WHY bother with BAV, an UNPROFITABLE cause? If God had not move them, if the Holy Spirit has not prompted them, if they have no love for Jesus and His church, WHY BOTHER?
    4. WHY BOTHER? BAV has UNILATERALLY decided that all the Evangelical Seminaries in South East Asia are “NOT GOOD ENOUGH” (refer earlier audio recording in this blog) and WITHDREW membership from all of them. BAV SUPPORTERS, do you think that is a wise and godly move? This is one of the reason WHY the “troublemakers” BOTHER!
    5. The 10 delegates that met HoB represent over 1200 members who signed a petition to seek BAV removal. The over 1200 members are from rural and urban churches spanning the 3 major language group (BM, Chinese and English speaking). There are a number of Datuks, prominent businessmen, corporate leaders, professionals, senior government officials and teachers (a copy is available). BAV would LIE to his own inner circle and deceive them by saying it only a group from the Cathedral 7.30am English Service. And they BELIEVE him!

    And on the 1st of September 2013, they are going to celebrate and give thanks for SUCH a person to continue as BISHOP, I am SPEECHLESS!

  5. Concerned

    See, nothing matters it is always the number game. The man is blinded by power and worldly things.
    Does Jesus has a place in their minds? This is not a religious institution any more, it is political. Staying in
    Power is central to everyting. The clergies? They never had it so good that they forget who their real
    Master is. God or the man? Every grassroot parishioner should be proactive to find out more himself
    To know the real issues in the crisis. Sad to say, they have been so brain washed that they have los their
    Ability to discern what is conscience. Day in day out they have been bombarded with false teachings. Their
    Faith has been hijacked!

  6. X Altar Boy / Server.

    The Numbers Games ???
    Here are the numbers of ASC 2013 vs 2012 & will BAV uses his magical wand
    to increase the numbers with a stroke of his Mountblanc pen ?
    Attendance Collections.
    Month 2012 2013 2012 2013
    Jan 2258 2238 248K 153K
    Feb 2291 2268 186K 184K
    Mar 2335 2333 189K 261K
    April 2383 2215 283K 154K
    May 2391 2103 203K 184K
    June 2251 2253 187K 201K
    July 2355 2214 356K 148K
    Biggest drop was from English congregations July attendance of 621 & highest
    recorded was in Jan 2012, peak at 751. This year Jan 13, peak at 721.
    With above numbers down, what was Dean Chak sermon about today ? He felt
    happy about having fine dining at Hyatt KInabalu & going for a overseas missions
    trip to Taiwan soon.
    Come Sept 1st @ 7.30pm, you will see lots of parishioners coming in buses from outstation
    parishes, esp., from Telupid & as far as Pitas.
    WIll Archbishop of SEA, ” Deputy Bishop ” Stella Lo & Ass. Bishop John Yeo make the ” WOW ” sounding for BAV very solid show of support from BM congregations ???

  7. Augustina t

    We should b prepared for the fight against satan ‘s corrupted, blind, greedy n power, money crazy people.Dont b surprised by their dirty tactics as they hv a grand master to steer them nearer to the devil.
    As for our dear Dean Chak, no one will b moved by yr sermon for more tithes.Do u think we can b brain washed n cheated into giving more, so u n yr group of ‘Saints’ hv more funds to travel business class, eat like kings, buy properties under yr name n waste them away? Pls dont expect us to tithe for these! But I do admire u for hving the courage to demand us to tithe ! Not many in their right mind will dare to in this present situation.Show how desperate u r! U might as well ask us to throw them down the drain.What is wrong about giving to needy people? Some of them hardly hv a decent meal a day n is it a sin to give our tithes to help them? Do not just show us some text which u use to serve yr own whims.The people of Macedonia tithe more than what Paul expected, thats good.But then was it mentioned Paul was feasting n buying properties with it? Were the leaders of the church then misusing the church funds? Were the clergy n Paul so obsessed with power n plotting secretly against their sheep? Hypocrites! Some people r really shameful to ask us to tithe so they can use it to live like billionairs.Before BAV time, do we hv any problem with our tithing? Why dont u give more since u n yr group go on overseas trips more. Unless we see repentence , confessions, do not expect any change .

  8. Faithful Giver

    My friends and I really got pissed off by this morning Prosperity gospel teaching. What guarantee do you have when you (dean) said the more you give the more you will be blessed with? Then he went on and said what you have given its up to the church how it is spent, you have no say in its spending. He quoted 2 Cor 8: 1-8 he only tell you the half truth. This is very common for the Prosperity gospel preachers. He did not want to tell you what was the reason the Macedonian were giving. The giving was for the poor Christians in Jerusalem. The dean knew very well why the 7.30 members is not giving and they were giving it to the needy, NGO, missionaries works and the interior churches, because it is a sin to see that your giving (or tithing) is used by an irresponsible and unaccountable extravagant, cheating, lying, stealing, man like BAV. BAV is already famous for his extravagant I am ashamed to keep repeating his misdeeds which were written all over this blog. Dean why is it that before Albert Vun was make a bishop everyone in the 7.30 worship gives heartily and joyfully? Why have they stopped giving? These worshipers have ears and eyes to know what Albert Vun is doing with God’s money. They are not 3 years old kids. Why is it that the 2010 and 2011 diocesan’s accounts are still not audited, yet you have the cheek to announce that all the accounts are ok. By announcing it you are also an accomplish to the crime and a sin to God. Only fools will do what you did. All we wanted is God’s money to be properly accounted for. Dean, before you preach God’s words check your facts and speak the truth otherwise the sins you committed by lying and teaching falsely will be horrible for you. Dean, we cannot blame you totally for what you have done but you have to face the truth because the truth will set you free. Let us see you walk the talks. Remember actions speak louder than words. Be a doer and a follower of God and not a doer and a follower of Albert Vun who will drag you further down the quick sand. At night when you sleep put some more pillows under your head so that you will think more clearly and sleep well and wake up a new man.

  9. Wong Yet On

    Anglicans are “on the edge of a precipice” says leader
    Liberal-conservative feuds prompt doomsday warning
    John Bingham for the Telegraph International August 23, 2013
    The Archbishop of Canterbury has issued a dramatic warning that the worldwide Anglican church is tottering on the brink of complete disintegration amid bitter disputes between liberals and traditionalists.
    In his most stark comments yet about divisions over issues such as homosexuality, the Most Rev Justin Welby said the Church is coming perilously close to plunging into a “ravine of intolerance”.
    He even drew parallels between the crisis afflicting the 77 million-strong network of Anglican churches and the atmosphere during the English Civil War.
    And he likened the collective behaviour of the church to a “drunk man” staggering ever closer to edge of a cliff.
    Yet he added that many of the issues over which different factions in the church are fighting are simply “incomprehensible” to people outside it.
    His comments came during a recent sermon in Monterrey, Mexico, which he was visited as part of a plan to travel to every province of the Anglican Communion at the start of his ministry.
    Full Story: ‘On the edge of a precipice’ – Welby’s doomsday warning to feuding Church
    Source: Telegraph

  10. Outsider

    Today I shared with an Anglican member that Cho Yonggi is indicted for embezzlement. The reply was, “Don’t believe that. It is all false.” I was shocked with that reply because this is international news, just as the persecution in Egypt, the Allah court case is. How can one read about the Allah court case and decide to pray for it, and then read Cho Yonggi’s indictment and decide it is false news? I was in disbelief over the narrow mindedness. It is a wrong mindset that man of God can do no wrong and even they were wrong, the people cannot speak against it or oppose the erring leader. This wrong mindset is the strongman holding so many people in captivity in this crisis. It is easy to pray with a superiority complex, that we are enlightened while many are blinded. It is much harder to pray with a heartache, with the heart of our heavenly Father. May the Holy Spirit helps to be ever patient with people who disagree with us. No matter how convinced we are about our position, we must leave room for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and revelation. The battle indeed is not against flesh and blood. We cannot control what people believe, to do so is BAV and WITCHCRAFT.

  11. Kong Hee

    God said to BAV, “I need you to go through this alone, so that you and Anglican Diocese of Sabah can be the man and the ministry I call it to be. I’m so sorry, but you need to go through this by yourself, to bring a change to your generation.” Don’t be surprise BAV will say this on 1 September.

    • joshuakong823

      Kong Hee, I read it as AVCF must resign and leave ADOS so that God’s ministry in Sabah and beyond would have a new beginning for a new generation to change for the better as that is the heart of God for all Christians in Sabah without AVCF and his gang.

  12. WWJD

    It’s evident from the emails that only BAV and his inner circle are behind the conspiracy in both the wrongdoings and the subsequent cover-ups.

    BAV categorically stated that he could “trust very few people with information”. This means BAV deemed most, if not all, the clergy and church officials as untrustworthy. And this must be the real reason why outsiders HT and MT were brought in during BAV’s sabbatical.

    From the foregoing, it would appear that most of the priests and pastors may have been unfairly accused of complicity in the crisis. On the other hand, they could have avoided unnecessary suspicion and scorn, if only they have not remained silent, and if only they have refused to endorse false statements outright.

    For instance, the priests and pastors should have
    refused to declare so straightforwardly that “No
    money is lost, and there is no misappropriation of
    funds”, especially if they don’t know that for a fact.

    Instead, they should have used their God-given wisdom, and simply stated that “I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO TELL YOU THAT no money is lost, and there is no misappropriation of funds”. Don’t you think such a statement would have made a great deal of difference to the congregation?

    Innocent priests and pastors would do well to redeem themselves by always doing the right thing henceforth. Whenever in doubt, they should ask themselves: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?

  13. Plot coming to light?

    I read the leaked letters many times and this came to my mind.What is the role of SLo other than a pastor and the wife of Philip Lo.? Among all the female pastors,she is the most caring and concerned one and the most powerful!! How could she,only a pastor dare to give instructions although she said it was her two’s sen worth to her 2 senior bishops instructing them to gather a group from the SC,clergies and laity (Bm?) to meet with Archbishop or HOB? She is not sure how many of the clergies are on AV’s side! She and her family are always singled out to be given special considerations and favours,why?? She dared to reprimand YTC,if he did not listen she would report him to the bishop! Now the plot is coming to light-first feet washing gathering signing of covenants from the innocent members,next will be the thanksgiving party consisting HOB and people from all the ADOS,a church full of Bm people from the interior,photographs taken to show that 2/3 of the sheep supporting him and the calling of a meeting with the clergies to make them sign a vote of confidence in him ,followed perhaps with the BM where are the English and the Chinese Congregations people? Where is Jesus? This is all man’s effort,trying very hard artificially that he has the support of the 2/3 majority,clinging on to a post that he loves but without God,although AV said must pray to the Lord.What God is he praying to,I wonder? Is Dean Chak so desperate for money that he has to ‘beg’ from the English congregation? After all AV said they are the troublemakers and only a small minority and he has the nerve to say,cannot query where the money goes to.Dean Chak thinks all the English congregation people are stupid and blind!

    • joshuakong823

      why ASC’s bulletin for the third Sunday of August did not carry the data on tithing and attendance as it is done since Dean chak came in?

      very little money and low attendance…and confirm no support for AVCF..and gang..

    • Augustina t

      Dean Chak not only think we r stupid n blind.He is being insulting! Give more n u will b given much more.Doesnt he sound like the devil tempting Jesus? God loves cheerful givers but He didnt say u will only b blessed if u give to yr church even if money is spent senselessly by leaders.Are we tithing more so that we will b given more? Do we always give favors expecting it to b returned? Giving heartily without expecting any rewards is what I call true giving.We will still b tithing to poor needy people n let God judge us.If u want more funds, why r u still going to Taiwan ? U cant even help yr own sister church who wants a van for their ministry.Clean up yr backyard n stop using our church funds travelling overseas.I would b ashamed as ourchurch leaders r world famous now.Why dont u spend yr own money for travelling overseas n m sure u will b rewarded too.When u r spending yr own money, m sure u will think thrice.A true giver DOESNT expect any rewards.So dear Dean Chak u really is disappointing!

    • senior citizen

      Dear Vun Chong Fui @ Albert,
      Our brotherly advice to you, since you do not know whom to trust with informations, you must as well resign gracefully & with dignity. Stop listening to advices from your Chancellor & your Mr.CHEW
      from SPC.
      If you indeed has the love of Jesus in your heart, resign lah for the good of our faith, why cling on with no shame? Haven’t you enjoyed enough of 1st. Class travelling, very fine dining + all the self rewarded perks you gave yourself?
      We would like you to prayfully join us in prayers at STC, for unity & commonsenses to prevail in all
      our Clergy at Anglican DOS.

  14. WWJD

    In Mathews 6:24, it is clearly spelled out that:
    “No man can serve two masters……. You cannot serve both God and money.”

    At a time like this, our clergy should reexamine their commitment to serve God, and only God.

  15. Faith

    One can only be devil controlled through guilt. Guilt is where all hidden sins are not confessed. The issues and discussions made in this blog either pricks the guilty or reminds many to stay faithful and focus and not be fools. No matter how hard one tries to look superficial holy eventually the horns and tails will emerge. Evil can never be suppressed by lies and pretense, it shall only be overcome by coming into light.

    God is awesome and no evil nor schemes and hidden secrets can pass ………. How one reacts determines the heart and if guilt has been set free.

  16. Most Pitiful

    Batman I agree to what you have written. After the returned of BAV, it will be followed by the Los. By now Philip would have master how to preach from the down loaded sermons which our preacher here is so good at. He must have share, share with him. Well unless there are real repentant from this group of NCP and sinful Bishops, priests, and pastors, there will never be any peace and joy in the ADOS. They are not dealing with a handful of members but at least a few thousands all over the ADOS. As for the dean don’t waste your time preaching tithing and giving in the 7.30 as well as the 9.30. They know better where tithe and giving should go. If you get rid of the one that waste and robbed God’s money, all the tithing and giving will be double and treble without any preaching done. Most of the members in the 7.30 and 9.30 are faithful followers of Jesus Christ, who will not sin against their saviour. They are only protecting God’s money being spent extravagantly by BAV, and they do not want to be an accomplish in robbing God’s money and therefore sin against God. For those who continue to give and supported BAV and his cronies extravagant in robbing God’s money are also an accomplice to their sins. What the dean preaching on Sunday is true, when he said money given to the church does not belong to you anymore and it is up to how BAV want to use it. You have no say, but you have every say when the money is still in your pockets. In other words to give you are an accomplice to the extravagant and sins committed by BAV and his cronies. You have to make up your own mind whether your giving is right or wrong. Finally God did not use the money which belong to him but it is BAV and his cronies that use it. God’s money is used for the poor, the less fortunate (welfare works), Missionaries. to build reasonable comfortable churches for the interior worshipers who do not have the financial capability. To help the poor children of the interior members to have free higher education. We have a lots of members in the interior who needs welfare help but unfortunately BAV and his cronies are more interested to go oversea and waste God’s money. In the past the bishop gave the priests in charge a free hand to form various committees with independence to make decision to assist the diocese to do welfare and out reach works, but now everything come under the priests and most of the priests are busy doing nothing, and the members also have nothing to do. Pity very pitiful.


    Are we going to pursue this matter in the civil court?
    We may lost our Anglican identity and heritage, but it is a greater loss if we lost Christianity in our society: and not to mention putting Christ’s name to shame.
    I would rather not to be an Anglican than to be classified as Satan’s agent in pulling down Christ’s kingdom.
    We may have to be accountable to God on the Judgement Day!
    God may be keeping silent for now but NOT FOR TOO LONG!

    • TheTruth

      GOD IS WATCHING: How can we lose Christianity in our society? You said, “I would rather not to be an Anglican than to be classified as Satan’s agent in pulling down Christ’s kingdom.” Can you elaborate how you can become a Satan’s agent in pulling down Christ’s kingdom?

    • joshuakong823

      GOD IS WATCHING, what is really wrong going to the civil courts when the crimes of AVCF are crimes against humanity like what Pope Bernard XVI had sort of done in the RC.

      If we do not go to the civil court, then Anglicans are likely to lose everything Anglican when AVCF is the sole trustee with all the abuses under prerogative applications. When that happen it is really too late to reverse all the harms done and still on the way by AVCF and this time with an evil vengeance.

      • ..Not This Again..

        …pulling down God’s kingdom? Really? if civil action were so bad, God wouldn’t have given us this avenue in the first place.

  18. WWJD


    Many faithfuls have now openly said they were already cutting their tithes and offerings, and channeling them elsewhere.

    Such noble acts should be translated into a truly meaningful effort to help the needy, and to support evangelism. To meet this objective, an independent charity aid fund should perhaps be set up, to garner contributions and to effectively manage and distribute same.

    Perhaps the Monthly Prayer Meeting group could adopt this project?

    • Ex Anglican

      You better get the plastic bags ready when you read the latest revelations on what BAV and the other bishops and Stella did in “How BAV fooled the HOB” in today’s blog. You will be shocked how low the other bishops can lower themselves and sacrifice their credibility and honesty in doing what they did to fool the HOB.

      • Natalie

        You are right, Ex Anglican. It is beyond my imagination that this sinner could have done such a dirty deed.


    Dear Natalie,
    Regardless of what happens!
    AVCF and his gang are the ones will suffer the most because everything reinforces
    their fears and their non-perception of reality.


    Attn. God is watching
    we are not born today! Do you knows that BAV…. GOT good connection with the Police, Politician,
    Lawyer, Banker… name it…

    • joshuakong823

      I know AVCF got connections with the socalled ‘high society’ but that is NOT any worry for me
      when it is God’s call to act when God also provided the fund for the litigation the last time.

      Definitely I am the David but the war is still on..

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