Tagged: George Lim

Dialogue in Sandakan

Here is an audio recording of the dialogue session held in Sandakan. A large portion of it was in Hakka. The recording ended at the 2-hour mark, missing out the final 2-3 questions. Here are the highlights of the clip:

  • BAV: The honorary auditor did not understand the ADOS account and submitted the audited account one day before the Synod. Had the honorary auditor given the Diocesan Treasurer enough time to explain the accounts, many issues could have been sorted out.
  • BAV: The honorary auditor was not paid to conduct the audit therefore his work was slow. Diocesan Treasurer tried to meet up with the auditor but the meeting did not materialized. ADOS followed up with the auditor numerous hoping to get the accounts ready on time but to alas it was only produced the day before the Synod.
  • BAV contended the Stand Comm was informed of the purchase of the Bangkok Gardens Condo. This is a half-truth and lie. He mentioned in passing to Stand Comm the need to acquire a residential property in Bangkok in the future. Yet Stand Comm NEVER approved any acquisition of properties in Thailand. This issue was investigated by PAC and certainly the PAC report when made public can shed light into this issue.
  • A piece of land donated by a member to ADOS was sold to Buddhist organization.
  • ADOS still owes Rev. Clarence Fu over 30 days of leave which ADOS has not compensated for. A member produced a letter from the Labour Department that stated the same to prove her point clergy were ill treated under BAV.
  • RM600,000 for the renovation of a house is deemed excessive, a member said in Hakka.

Play the audio recording of the Sandakan session (approx. 2 hours long). If you are a non-Hakka speaker, get a Hakka speaker to help you understand this audio recording.